Friday, March 25, 2016

HE Gen. Kiet Chantharith deputy national police commissioner


Location prize cock a police crackdown

Speu: Location prize cock a crack in case it was not known to gamers banhcholmean one must take, such as chicken and raw material for some cock motorcycles. repression chicken fishery conducted at 12 and the minutes on 20 March 2016 river Anlong bamboo village scroll Pong commune Sangker, Oral Speu province. According to a report by Colonel station BUT Bunthoeur, Oral district police chief, said police forces and village defense forces Mann 10 were besieged surrounded location cock above by a lot of people have fled and left some evidence. reports that after the nho cockfighting fled police collected material: 02 motorbikes cock 02 scales 01 Scottish wrapped Spurs 09 piece chicken, chicken sticks for 01 freezer 01 baskets, 03 veils 01 piece Russell Sangva, including 01 pieces many shoes draw another run. local authorities revealed that the Bull stole geographic information in the above remote areas less you live in a quiet location to banhcholmean future democracy. Also, sources khl admits past prize cock had run pay a week for each jurisdiction khl once such a prize would overtake enforcement and crack down on this practice. such rampant gambling not but so far, even in areas banana plantations in Sruoch district Kampong Speu province also has opened pastor banhcholmean in slums market Talat, are also to know that gambling Ryukyu including kantouylekh pht kkuk ploys they know that you have money in exchange for the opening of these gamers. villages safe are aware that the government has ordered officials under the FDA in the 09-point ultimatum to local authorities to apply this principle to ensure immediate security to the local people. In implementing the policy communal safe, focused on the gaming experience is so special that happened theft.